About RLC

In the session 2009-2010, Residential Laboratory college, a non government and self-financed institution, emerges as a unique and distinct educational institution, situated at Nikunja-02, khilkhet. Dhaka Residential area, which aims at providing dynamic, modern and merit based education. RLC is located to the one kilometer South-East position of Dhaka Airport. RLC, illuminated by accomplished, well-experienced meritorious teachers, is ever determined to lead the existing education system in a qualitative, creative level. RLC is moving forward to make the students enable to nation building, self employment, patriotism and consequently to moral enlightenment .We deeply intend to have spontaneous support and co-operation from the respected guardians, prominent educationists, students which will contribute to the upliftment of Residential Laboratory College .Directed by A.R.S foundation , RLC is regarded as a forerunner for extending qualitative education to the children of local guardian and inhabitants. Some distinguished teachers of Dhaka city have already engaged themselves to our great intiatives. Based on the concerted efforts of all members, RlC is quite determined to earn its reputation as one of the best educational institutions at national level. Md. Ajijur Rahman Rahman Suman, Founding Chairman, is continuously investing his untiring, ceaseless assistance with a view to implementing these great initiatives of Residential Laboratory college.